As an Admin, you have the ability to make changes to an employee's enrollments, depending on what kind of benefit it is. Manual benefits that don't enroll any employees automatically. Benefits that automatically enroll employees based on a pre-determined criteria (for example, all full-time employees) cannot be manually adjusted.
My Company's benefits are all automatic
No need to make any manual changes! As part of your company onboarding process, our team will set up enrollment rules for your employees to ensure they're actively enrolled in the right benefits. You simply ensure that your employees are up-to-date in your payroll system and let our integration do the rest.
If you have questions about benefit enrollment rules, or would like to set up a manual benefit, let us know by sending a ticket request.
My Company has manual benefits
If your employee directory isn't integrated with Benepass, or if you have an existing manual benefit, you can make changes to employee enrollments from the Admin Dashboard in a few steps:
1. From the Admin Dashboard, click on Roster
2. Search for the employee and select
Enrolling in a New Benefit
1. From the employee's details page, navigate to their Enrollments tab
2. Scroll past the employee's other Enrollments and click on Add another enrollment
3. Select the benefit(s) you'd like to enroll them in and click on Add benefits
Deactivating a Benefit:
1. Click on the manual benefit you'd like to deactivate
2. Click on Deactivate enrollment
3. Click on Yes, deactivate
Reactivating a Benefit
1. Click on a manual benefit you'd like reactivated and select Activate enrollment
Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to the Benepass Admin Support Team by emailing