Pre-Tax Benefits 101

What is a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN)?

For certain pre-tax accounts such as a Health Care FSA (HFSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA), the IRS has a number of eligible expenses that may require additional documentation.

Typically, general wellness expenses such as vitamins or supplements are not eligible FSA or HSA spending.

However, these expenses can be considered eligible if they have been:

  • recommended by a licensed medical professional
  • as a course of treatment
  • for a diagnosed medical condition

To provide proof of medical necessity, Benepass will prompt you for an LMN before approving these expenses. The letter must come from a licensed medical professional providing an explanation for how the item relates to your course of treatment for a diagnosed medical condition. Most doctor's offices are familiar with this process and will be able to provide one upon request. Once in hand, upload the LMN to your expense along with any necessary receipts for review and approval.


Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to Benepass Support for any assistance.

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