When you request a refund from a merchant, they’ll need to initiate the process to return your funds on their end, just like with your personal debit or credit cards. Once this has been completed, most bank processing takes 7-10 business days, depending on speed. When Benepass has received the refund, you’ll notice your balance should reflect this.
When you look at your transaction history, your refund might show up in a few different ways:
- The merchant may issue an equal, but positive amount in a new transaction
- The merchant may zero out the initial transaction
If your refund still has not shown up in your Benepass account 10 business days after the refund was issued, you can reach out to our team by clicking "Submit a request" in the top right corner of this page and we can check on the status.
If you are expecting a merchant refund but you are leaving your employer, you can find more information about refunds post-termination here.
Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to Benepass Support for any assistance.