No, you cannot contribute to both a Health Savings Account (HSA) and a Health FSA at the same time. However, you can combine an HSA with certain types of FSAs that are specifically designed to be HSA-compatible.
When you have a High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and want to contribute to an HSA, you cannot have other health coverage. A standard Health Care FSA counts as other health coverage and would disqualify you from HSA contributions.
HSA-Compatible FSA Options
Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA)
LPFSAs cover specific out-of-pocket expenses for vision and dental care only. They do not count as other health coverage, making them compatible with HSAs. Keep in mind that you cannot use both HSA and LPFSA funds for the same expense.
Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA)
DCFSAs cover eligible dependent care expenses like childcare and elder care and are not considered health coverage. These FSAs can be used freely alongside an HSA.
Common questions
Can I submit the same expense to both my HSA and LPFSA?
No, submitting the same expense to both accounts ("double dipping") is not allowed. Each expense can only be reimbursed by one account.
What happens if my spouse has a Health FSA?
Your spouse's Health FSA coverage would disqualify you from contributing to an HSA, as it counts as other health coverage.
I have funds from a previous HSA. Can I use them while I am contributing to a Health FSA?
While you may not contribute to an HSA while you are enrolled in a Health FSA, you are welcome to use any previous funds to pay for eligible expenses while you are enrolled in a Health FSA.
Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to Benepass Support for any assistance.