Sometimes, purchases made with your Benepass card might require a receipt or approval before they can be processed. This can be due to a benefit, such as a pretax benefit, being regulated by the IRS that requires all transactions to have a provided receipt, or because your employer has set up certain guidelines around receipts for certain benefits or amounts.
To add a necessary receipt or proof of approval to a card transaction:
- Navigate to the Benepass Home page of the app or website
- From the Recent transactions section, select the transaction if visible, or click "View all" to see all transactions
- Click in to view transaction details, and scroll down to see the sections that require information,
- Upload necessary receipts or required documentation, then save.
When you attach a receipt, you'll have the option to take a photo at that moment or to add a photo from your photo library. Once you take or select your photo, make sure you select "Save changes".
Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to Benepass Support for any assistance.