For US Employees

Updating Your Billing Information (US only)

When you get started with Benepass, your default billing address will be your employer's preferred address. When you use your Benepass cards to make purchases, you should use the billing address listed in the app to prevent declines.

If you live in the US, you can also update your billing address to your home address, to make it easier to remember.

Because Benepass cards require a US address to function, this feature is not yet available to those located outside the US. Your card billing address will always reflect your employer's preferred address. Make sure to use that one for online purchases!

To confirm or update your billing address, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account from our website or mobile app.
  2. Navigate to the Cards page
  3. Once on the Cards page, click on the card you'd like to update to display your card details.
  4. At the bottom of your card detail, see "Billing Address".
  5. Click the pencil icon to edit.
  6. Enter your new address and click "Update Address".
Web View

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App View


Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to Benepass Support for any assistance.

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