When enrolling in your Commuter (Parking or Transit) pre-tax benefit, you’ll be able to elect at or below the current limit set by the IRS. These benefit limits are listed as monthly limits, rather than annual. This means each month you can contribute up to the IRS limit, and that money will stay in your account as long as you remain with your employer.
2024 Contribution Limits
For 2024, employees with a Commuter benefit (Transit or Parking) may elect to contribute up to $315 per month. Note that Transit and Parking Commuter benefits are separate benefits, so you may elect up to $315 for Transit and up to $315 for Parking per month.
2023 Contribution Limits
For 2023, employees with a Commuter benefit (Transit or Parking) were able to elect to contribute up to $300 per month. Note that Transit and Parking Commuter benefits are separate benefits, so you were able to elect up to $300 for Transit and up to $300 for Parking per month.
Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to Benepass Support for any assistance.