Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA)

Can I submit an expense larger than my current Dependent Care FSA balance?

Yes, if your employer allows it, you can submit expenses up to your total annual election amount even if your current balance is lower. The expense will be reimbursed automatically in installments as new funds become available from your payroll deductions.

What to know

Dependent Care FSA contributions are added to your account with each payroll deduction rather than being funded upfront. Since dependent care expenses often exceed individual paycheck contributions, this installment feature lets you submit one large expense instead of multiple smaller claims.


  1. From the home page, select  "Get reimbursed"
  2. Choose your Dependent Care FSA benefit
  3. Enter an amount up to the allowed maximum (so long as it does not exceed the receipt amount)
  4. Submit

What to expect

Your benefit will be reviewed by the Benepass team within 5 business days. If approved, you'll receive automatic installment payments as new contributions are received. Payments will continue until the expense is fully reimbursed. 

Common questions

Can I submit more than one large expense?

Yes. You're able to submit multiple large expenses until you have met your total annual election amount. Expenses will be paid in the order they are approved.

Can I cancel upcoming installments on an approved expense?

Once the expense is approved, you are not able to halt or cancel upcoming installments. Payouts will continue until the expense has been fully reimbursed.

Can I change my bank account while an expense is still being reimbursed?

Yes, you can change your chosen bank at any time. Simply update your preferences from the Settings page. This will change the payout destination for all future installments.

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