Uploading Receipts

Why am I getting notices about missing information on an expense or transaction?

Did you lose, misplace, or otherwise not receive a receipt for a purchase you made with your Benepass card?

It's not uncommon to misplace a receipt, and we understand that keeping track of every transaction can be challenging. However, it's crucial to adhere to your benefit's policy, which may require receipts for certain transactions. 

When will I need a receipt?

Depending on your benefit's policy, transactions without a receipt will be labeled as "Needs information." You can confirm whether your benefit will require receipts or additional documentation by navigating to Accounts > Benefit > View overview.

I don't have a receipt

We always recommend that you first contact the merchant directly to request a copy of your receipt or invoice. Most merchants should be able to support this request, so long as they have information about the date, amount, and payment method of the purchase.

If the merchant is unable to support that request, you can also submit photos or screenshots containing as much information as possible. The key is to have a comprehensive record of the purchase, including the item(s) purchased, the amount paid, and the date of the order. If you possess a partial receipt or order confirmation, this may suffice for review and approval.

In cases where no such evidence exists, you may be asked to provide alternate eligible receipts, reclassify your purchase to a different benefit, or have the spending recouped via your employer's payroll.

What does each notice mean? 

You may have received a notice from Benepass requesting more information for an existing expense or transaction. Below is a description of each notice and what it means:

Needs a letter of medical necessity

  • This notice is sent when the expense or transaction is only eligible under your pretax benefit with a letter of medical necessity (LMN).
  • An LMN is required for certain products or services that fall out of the purview of "medical care" but can be FSA-eligible under certain circumstances.
  • If you receive this notice, please attach your LMN to the transaction alongside the existing receipt.
  • Note: If you don't have an LMN, the transaction may need reclassification to remain compliant, or the expense may be denied.

Needs manager approval

  • This notice is sent when the expense or transaction is missing manager approval.
  • If your employer requires proof of manager approval for all purchases under the benefit in which this expense or transaction was made, please attach a screenshot showing proof of manager approval to the expense or transaction.

Incorrect receipt

  • This notice is sent when the uploaded receipt(s) don't match the item, merchant, and/or amount in the transaction details.
  • When submitting receipts, please ensure they contain the merchant's name, date, items purchased, and amount paid.
  • If you receive this notice, upload a new receipt with the necessary information.

Unable to view or read receipt(s): 

  • This notice is sent when Benepass can't view the submitted receipt(s) (e.g., due to blurriness or document lock).
  • If you receive this notice, please upload a new, shareable receipt with all pertinent information.

Missing merchant information

  • This notice is sent when the uploaded receipt(s) are missing the full merchant information.
  • When submitting receipts, please ensure the merchant's name, date, items purchased, and amount paid are present.
  • If you receive this notice, please upload a new receipt with the required information.

Missing amount spent

  • This notice is sent when the uploaded receipt(s) are missing the full amount spent information.
  • When submitting receipts, please include the merchant's name, date, items purchased, and amount paid.
  • If you receive this notice, upload a new receipt containing the necessary information.

Missing item(s)/services(s) purchased:  

  • This notice is sent when the receipt(s) are missing information on the item(s) or service(s) purchased. This is important to ensure these items or services fall within the eligibility guidelines of your program.
  • When submitting receipts, please include the merchant's name, date, items purchased, and amount paid.
  • If you receive this notice, please upload a new receipt with the required information.

Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to Benepass Support for any assistance.

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