What is the Benepass Flex card?
The Benepass Flex card is a benefits card powered by enriched merchant data. This card receives more data from the merchant when you make pre-tax purchases, and can distinguish between eligible and non-eligible items. If the merchant tells us that the purchase is pre-tax eligible, a receipt will not be required. If the merchant does not provide information indicating that the purchase is eligible, the transaction will decline.
How do I use it?
You should use your Flex card like any other Visa card or Benepass card. The card will draw funds from your available benefit balance and classify transactions accordingly.
If your purchase contains only eligible healthcare items, you can expect to use the Flex card to complete the entire purchase.
If your purchase contains both eligible and ineligible healthcare items, your purchase will be split into two transactions – one for the eligible items and one for the ineligible items. Depending on the merchant, you may be able to use the Flex card for both transactions, or you may be asked to provide a second form of payment for the ineligible items.
How is it different from other Benepass cards?
The Flex card is IIAS enabled. IIAS, or Inventory Information Approval System, allows a merchant's point of sale system to identify eligible healthcare purchases by comparing UPC or SKU numbers for purchased items against a pre-established list of eligible medical expenses, as outlined in Section 213(d) of the IRS Code. If a purchase is determined to be an eligible healthcare cost, the transaction with auto-verify and not require you to upload a receipt.
What receipts will I need to provide?
We recommend that all employees secure a receipt following any eligible purchases. However, when using your Flex card to make eligible healthcare purchases at IIAS enabled merchants, the transactions will auto-verify and receipts will not be required! You can confirm a transaction has been auto-verified by looking for a "Complete" status or viewing transaction details and checking that receipt data has been received.
Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to Benepass Support for any assistance.