Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA)

Can I use my Limited Purpose FSA for other purchases once my deductible is met?

Yes, once your health insurance deductible has been met, you are able to request that your Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA) be "converted" to allow medical spending.


To request that your Limited Purpose FSA be adjusted to allow eligible medical spending, please follow these steps:

  1. Obtain proof of your met deductible from your health insurance provider
  2. Complete Benepass's Limited Purpose FSA: Met Deductible form

What to expect

Benepass will review your request and confirm your approval within two weeks. If approved, your remaining LPFSA balance will transfer to a Health FSA or Post-Deductible LPFSA enrollment. Medical expenses will now be eligible, in addition to dental and vision.

You'll be able to use your same Benepass card for all purchases.

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