Choosing a bank account is quick, easy, and a great way to get reimbursed for expenses you’ve submitted through your Benepass account. Direct reimbursement to a bank account is only available to users in the United States.
To choose a bank account:
- Log in to your account from our website or mobile app.
- Navigate to the Settings page
- Click "Choose your reimbursement destination"
- A new page will open. Select your bank from the available list or type in your bank's name to choose.
- Follow the instructions to log in to your account through Plaid.
- When you're done, refresh the page and you should now see your chosen account as "Verified."
If your account is validated correctly, you should see a green "Verified" status.
If you prefer not to validate your account via login credentials for any reason, we offer an alternative solution. You can instead validate your account with account and routing numbers. It's a secure and convenient method to verify your accounts without the need to share your banking login credentials. For more on this method, check out our article: Validating a Bank Account with Account/Routing Numbers
Questions? We are happy to help! Please reach out to Benepass Support for any assistance.