Using your card 101

Can a card transaction be split between benefits?

No, Benepass cards cannot split a single purchase between multiple benefits or combine benefit balances for one transaction, even if the purchase is eligible under multiple benefits.


Each benefit is a unique and separate balance with specific tracking and compliance requirements. During a transaction, each benefit's rules and current balance are considered individually and a best fit is determined. 

Alternative options

There are several ways to handle purchases that exceed a single benefit balance.

Split payment at checkout

Ask the merchant to process the transaction as two separate payments. Use the Benepass card for the amount available in one benefit. Pay the remainder with a personal payment method, or use the Benepass card again to use a different eligible benefit's balance.

Submit for reimbursement

If allowed under your program, pay the full amount with a personal card and submit an expense for reimbursement under eligible benefits.

Accumulate funds

For benefits that accumulate before expiration, wait until the balance grows large enough to cover the full purchase amount

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